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Showing posts from January, 2019

funding federal agencies

Paul was a lifelong and tireless advocate in peace and anti nuclear movements through his work with "Physicians for Global Survival" and "International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW)". Through this work with other like minded physicians, he was awarded the "Nobel Prize for Peace (1985)". He was also committed to sustainable ecological farming (Ecological Farmers of Ontario) and a keeper of rare Breeds of Livestock (Rare Breeds Canada). Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen, the New Jersey Republican who heads the House committee that writes the annual spending bills funding federal agencies, emphasized that it Congress not the executive branch that retains the of the purse. Orrin Hatch, R Utah, who chairs the Senate committee that writes tax bills and rules for health programs like Medicaid, said his panel will examine whether Trump proposed cuts are sustainable in the long run.. The NFL has steadily been hosting more games in London and even...